Should you let your kids decorate their own rooms? YES
Think back to when you were a kid and what your room meant to you. It was everything. In a world where what you eat, wear and drive in is controlled primarily by your parents, your room is the one thing that you can call your own. Now while you most likely won't be up for painting the room all black... or red... or any other color you find offensive, there is always a way to compromise so that your child will feel they got the room they wanted.
For example: My daughter wants a Twilight themed room. Okay... I'm not going to paint it black or have vampire blood oozing down the walls, but we did manage to compromise on painting the room a grayish-purple and framing her Twilight/New Moon movie posters to hang on the walls. The rest of the room will be decorated with mirrored, silver and iron accessories to complete the look. It's something we both can live with.
Give it a try.
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